Lion Head SketchMaze Images

The Lion Head SketchMaze was completed in 2025 and is 35 inches by 50 inches in size. It was drawn using a Wacom Tablet and Stylist in Adobe Illustrator. It took approximately 600 hours to draw. You Begin your journey in the Right Upper Mane and End in the Left Lower Mane. There are three different ways out of the Begin…so choose wisely. All of the SketchMazes have round intersections (one way in with two ways out) so you can easily trace back to the previous intersection. The Maze Artist used three different sized brushes in drawing this maze which assists in making the SketchMaze look like a sketch from a distance. This Lion Head SketchMaze was inspired by Oleg Lyubaarskiy’s Lion Head drawing used under license from

NFT’s will include the subject Sketchmaze. All other images shown are to display the intricacy of the SketchMaze only. Thank You!


Butterfly SketchMaze


Tiger Head SketchMaze